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hace 3 años
  1. # PinePhoneBoy Operating System
  2. Linux UI customized to resemble a Fallout Pip-Boy. To be used with the PINE64 PinePhone running Arch Linux ARM, enclosed in the PinePhoneBoy harness.
  3. ## Screenshots
  4. ![Main screen](screenshot.jpg)
  5. ### Radio tab
  6. ![Radio](screenshots/radio.jpg)
  7. ## Components
  8. - sway: Window Manager
  9. - waybar: Side panel
  10. - termite: Terminal emulator
  11. - mako: Notifications daemon
  12. - mpd: Music player daemon
  13. - xfmpc: Music player client
  14. - mplayer: Sound effects player
  15. ## Dependencies
  16. - [Sway on PinePhone](
  17. - [feather icons](
  18. ## Install
  19. ```bash
  20. sudo pacman -S \
  21. sway swaylock swayidle swaybg waybar \
  22. termite termite-terminfo \
  23. htop dialog \
  24. imv \
  25. ttf-font-awesome unicode-emoji \
  26. portfolio-fm \
  27. mplayer pavucontrol \
  28. xfmpc mpd mpc \
  29. git
  30. git clone --recurse-submodules
  31. cd PinePhoneBoyOS
  32. ./
  33. sudo cp -R usr/* /usr/
  34. sudo cp -R etc/* /etc/
  35. mkdir -p ~/.config
  36. cp config/* ~/.config/
  37. cp config/.dialogrc ~/.dialogrc
  38. cp config/.menuoptions ~/.menuoptions
  39. sudo systemctl disable phosh || echo "Needed only if you still have phosh installed."
  40. sudo systemctl enable --now sway
  41. ...
  42. ```
  43. ### Virtual Keyboard (Squeekboard)
  44. Terminal layout replaces (default) English layout:
  45. ```bash
  46. mkdir -p ~/.local/share/squeekboard/keyboards/
  47. wget -O ~/.local/share/squeekboard/keyboards/us_wide.yaml
  48. ```
  49. Source: [](
  50. ### Theme
  51. ```bash
  52. git clone
  53. mkdir -p ~/.themes
  54. cp -R midnight/Midnight* ~/.themes/
  55. gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface gtk-theme "Midnight-GreenNight"
  56. gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences theme "Midnight-GreenNight"
  57. git clone -b Abyss-Desktop-Theme-Icons-and-Folders
  58. cp -R rtl88-Themes/Abyss-ENVY-Suru ~/.icons/Abyss-ENVY
  59. gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface icon-theme "Abyss-ENVY"
  60. ```
  61. ### Bootsplash
  62. 1. Find an image you want shown during boot (see [example](
  63. 2. Clone the [bootsplash package](, replace the image and profit!
  64. ```bash
  65. git clone
  66. cd PKGBUILDS/danctnix/bootsplash-danctnix
  67. # change the sha256sum for danctnix.png to 'SKIP'
  68. vim PKGBUILD
  69. # download your image
  70. wget some-image-url -O bootsplash.jpg
  71. # rotate it to face the right way up
  72. convert bootspalsh.jpg -distort SRT -90 danctnix.png
  73. # install!
  74. makepkg -sif
  75. # reboot to see it during the next startup
  76. ```
  77. ### DATA - Epiphany
  78. Source: [ArchWiki](
  79. #### Ad blocking
  80. ```bash
  81. gsettings set org.gnome.Epiphany adblock-filters "['', '', '', '', '', '']"
  82. ```
  83. ### RADIO - MPD
  84. Packages: mpd xfmpc mpc
  85. ```bash
  86. mkdir -p ~/.config/mpd/playlists
  87. ```
  88. ## Notes
  89. - make sure mpd is running user-wide and not system-wide, otherwise it can't access alsa or pulseaudio (i.e. create ~/.config/mpd/mpd.conf)