# Background # TODO: download a wallpaper output * bg ~/Desktop/wallpaper.jpg fill # Workspaces set $W1 '1:STAT' set $W2 '2:INV' set $W3 '3:DATA' set $W4 '4:MAP' set $W5 '5:RADIO' set $W6 '6:6' set $W7 '7:7' set $W8 '8:8' set $W9 '9:9' set $WRADIO $W5 # Screen rotation output DSI-1 transform 270 # Keyboard exec "squeekboard" # Status Bar exec "waybar -c ~/.config/waybar/config_v -b side" # Restore backlight exec 'swayphone_power_wakeup' # RADIO exec "mpd" exec "xfmpc" for_window [app_id="xfmpc"] move workspace $WRADIO; border none # Notifications exec "mako" # example Welcome message exec "sleep 2; notify-send 'Welcome!' 'Your Pip-Boy is ready to be used.' --icon=dialog-information"