Arch Linux ARM packages
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  1. # Maintainer: Levente Polyak <anthraxx[at]archlinux[dot]org>
  2. # Contributor: Eric Bélanger <>
  3. # Contributor: Dejvino <>
  4. # Upstream PKGBUILD:
  5. pkgname=gajim
  6. pkgver=1.2.1
  7. pkgrel=1
  8. pkgdesc='Full featured and easy to use XMPP (Jabber) client'
  9. url=''
  10. arch=('any')
  11. license=('GPL3')
  12. depends=('gtk3' 'python-cairo' 'python-gobject' 'python-keyring' 'python-nbxmpp'
  13. 'python-pyasn1' 'python-pyopenssl' 'python-precis_i18n' 'python-css-parser'
  14. 'python-distro' 'hicolor-icon-theme')
  15. optdepends=('alsa-utils: play notification sounds'
  16. 'python-dbus: for gajim-remote and zeroconf support'
  17. 'avahi: serverless chatting with autodetected clients in a local network'
  18. 'farstream: start audio and video chat'
  19. 'gst-plugins-good: for video/voice support'
  20. 'gst-plugins-bad: for video/voice support'
  21. 'gst-plugins-ugly: for video/voice support'
  22. 'gst-libav: for video/voice support'
  23. 'gst-python: for video/voice support'
  24. 'gspell: for spell checking support'
  25. 'notification-daemon: for desktop notifications'
  26. 'geoclue: share current location'
  27. 'gnome-keyring: store passwords encrypted in GNOME Keyring'
  28. 'kded: store passwords encrypted in KSecretService'
  29. 'gupnp-igd: request your router to forward port for file transfer'
  30. 'libxss: measure idle time, in order to set auto status'
  31. 'python-crypto: encrypting chat messages'
  32. 'python-docutils: generate XHTML output from RST code'
  33. 'python-gnupg: encrypting chat messages with OpenPGP'
  34. 'python-pillow: support of WebP avatars'
  35. 'python-axolotl: OMEMO support'
  36. 'python-qrcode: generate QR codes for OMEMO keys')
  37. source=(${pkgver%.*}/gajim-${pkgver}.tar.gz
  38. gajim-IdleMonitor.patch)
  39. sha512sums=('1a1ebc3a0605a12b5f459c576037359543814686a170199148e44e409d4f054cefdb66505e68ed4c28bd8c64a7910a70301c2d90d1d4b31b9587d9126329e8c4'
  40. '1cb07079a445c1983dd54a0cb7bfa385c594de9b9768bf5993371390a315944d9fef22a2035666164dc8fef5ccfe0d6008d5cd4dbde5876e3d7dc65fef528c2e')
  41. build() {
  42. cd ${pkgname}-${pkgver}
  43. patch -p1 -N < ../gajim-IdleMonitor.patch
  44. python build
  45. }
  46. package() {
  47. cd ${pkgname}-${pkgver}
  48. python install --root="${pkgdir}" --optimize=1 --skip-build
  49. }
  50. # vim: ts=2 sw=2 et: