# Announcement Box Linux box with a loudspeaker and an emergency light to be used for announcements and notifications. ## Hardware ### Overview * SBC with GPIOs and sound output :: OrangePi Zero with an expansion board * PA system * speaker :: 30W, 4 Ohms horn loudspeaker * sound amplifier :: mono 18W sound amplifier * relay module :: 12V low trigger relay * Warning Light system * warning light :: 12V 10W rotary orange warning light * relay module :: 12V low trigger relay * System Activity Light system * indicator LED * Human Activity Sensor system * PIR module ### Building TBD ## Software ### Overview * Operating System - Linux :: Armbian Bullseye for the OrangePi Zero * PA System * Voice Synthesizer :: Festival / ESpeak ### Installation Run as root: ```bash cp toolkit/* /usr/local/bin/ cp etc/systemd/system /etc/systemd/system systemctl enable --now system-activity-light.service systemctl enable --now human-activity-sensor.service ``` ## Implementation Notes ### Armbian + OrangePi Zero Installation #### Enable analog soundcard ``` sudo armbian-config # System > Hardware > [*] analog-codec ``` #### Software Dependencies ##### OS Packages ```bash apt install mplayer espeak-ng ``` ##### GPIO toolkit ```bash # upstream: #git clone https://github.com/orangepi-xunlong/wiringOP # enhanced: git clone https://github.com/Dejvino/wiringOP cd wiringOP ./build clean ./build ``` ### PA System #### Enabling mixed sound output ```bash cat ~/.asoundrc pcm.!default plug:dmix ``` #### Text to Speech ```bash ## Festival # reading ... # to file text2wave text.txt > wave.wav ## ESpeak # voices: ls /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/espeak-data/voices/ # reading espeak -f text.txt -p 40 -s 160 -v "en-us" # to file espeak -f text.txt -p 40 -s 160 -k15 -g 1 -w wave.wav # using SSML (e.g.: https://www.xml.com/pub/a/2004/10/20/ssml.html) espeak -f ssml.txt -m ``` #### Converting into a low-quality broadcast audio ```bash sox infile.wav outfile.wav downsample echo 0.5 1 1 1 ``` ### Human Activity Sensor #### Reading File Timestamp ```bash stat /var/tmp/human_last_seen --format=%Y ```