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First part of Outcomes

Dejvino vor 9 Monaten
3 geänderte Dateien mit 85 neuen und 2 gelöschten Zeilen
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  3. +83

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### TOOL: Daily Heroism
[Philip Zimbardo]


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### Tools
Daily meaningful activities

using skills you already have

gets you into flow.


Flow frequently brings **outcomes**:

- emotional outcomes (makes us happy)
- material outcomes (fruits of our labour)


Outcomes keep us going.


### But sometimes...

we get derailed by bad mood

- by negative events or emotions around us <!-- .element: class="fragment" -->
- due to our own failing <!-- .element: class="fragment" -->
- by recalling a negative past <!-- .element: class="fragment" -->

and lose our flow.


Negativity captures our attention

more than positivity.


#### So we stay down

due to the negative feedback loop:

Negativity and pessimism reinforce themselves.<!-- .element: class="fragment" -->


We need **emotional stability** to keep us going.


### Negativity hinders progress


#### Hamster in a box


#### Learned helplessness
[Martin Seligman]


#### Baby Elephant Syndrome


#### Hamster Procrastination Cycle

1. Do nothing
2. Have regrets
3. Doubt yourself
4. Feel helpless
5. GOTO 1



#### Learned optimism
- by Martin Seligman

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