# Video Terminal Revival Physical recreation of a video terminal device for connecting to a serial console. Emulates a VT100 terminal using an ESP32, a keyboard and a TV. ## Hardware - ESP32 as the main processing board - Display with a composite video input (ideally a CRT) - LK201 terminal keyboard ## Software - [TinTTY](https://github.com/unframework/tintty) for VT100 emulation - [ESP32Lib](https://github.com/bitluni/ESP32Lib/tree/development) for composite video output ## Building 1. Connect up the hardware (TODO). 2. Get the Arduino IDE, Install ESP32 board package, Install ESP32Lib library. 3. Compile and upload the sketch in `video-terminal/video-terminal.ino` ## Resources - [LK201 Interface](http://www.netbsd.org/docs/Hardware/Machines/DEC/lk201.html) for keyboard specification