Holodisk model from the Fallout and Fallout 2 games.
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anim.scad Add spool drivers. Polished animations. Added animation export. 3 роки тому
create_gif.sh Add spool drivers. Polished animations. Added animation export. 3 роки тому
demo.gif Add spool drivers. Polished animations. Added animation export. 3 роки тому
fallout_holodisk.scad Add spool drivers. Polished animations. Added animation export. 3 роки тому
holodisk.scad Add spool drivers. Polished animations. Added animation export. 3 роки тому
holodisk_frame.scad Reworked animation keyframes 3 роки тому
holodisk_spec.scad Add spool drivers. Polished animations. Added animation export. 3 роки тому
reader.scad Add spool drivers. Polished animations. Added animation export. 3 роки тому
tape.scad Extract holodisk frame 3 роки тому
tape_spool.scad Add spool drivers. Polished animations. Added animation export. 3 роки тому



Holodisk model from the Fallout and Fallout 2 games.

Model Preview
