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outcomes.md 7.9 KiB

  1. <!-- .slide: data-background="slides/outcomes.jpg" data-background-size="contain" data-background-opacity="0.5" -->
  2. ## Outcomes <!-- .element: class="text-over-image" -->
  3. <!-- .slide: data-background-color="#033" -->
  4. -V-
  5. <!-- .slide: data-background="slides/outcomes.jpg" data-background-size="contain" data-background-opacity="0.1" -->
  6. <!-- .slide: data-background-color="#033" -->
  7. Flow brings outcomes and they keep us going:
  8. - emotional - it makes us happy
  9. - material - fruits of our labour
  10. ---
  11. ### But sometimes...
  12. we get derailed by bad mood
  13. - by negative events or emotions around us <!-- .element: class="fragment" -->
  14. - due to our own failing <!-- .element: class="fragment" -->
  15. - by recalling a negative past <!-- .element: class="fragment" -->
  16. and lose our flow.
  17. -V-
  18. Negativity captures our attention
  19. more than positivity.
  20. Negativity and pessimism reinforce themselves.<!-- .element: class="fragment" -->
  21. -V-
  22. Negative feedback loop may keep us down,
  23. unproductive, in a bad mood.
  24. -V-
  25. We need **emotional stability** to keep on going.
  26. ---
  27. <!-- .slide: data-background="slides/hamster_in_box.jpg" data-background-size="contain" data-background-opacity="0.9" data-transition="slide-in fade-out" -->
  28. ### Hamster in a box <!-- .element: class="text-over-image" -->
  29. <p>&nbsp;</p>
  30. -V-
  31. <!-- .slide: data-background="slides/hamster_in_box.jpg" data-background-size="contain" data-background-opacity="0.3" data-transition="fade-in slide-out" -->
  32. ### Hamster in a box
  33. - when put in a box with a lid, it will try to jump out
  34. - and after a day or two it will give up and never try again<!-- .element: class="fragment" -->
  35. - even once the lid is removed <!-- .element: class="fragment" -->
  36. -V-
  37. <!-- .slide: data-background="slides/hamster_in_box.jpg" data-background-size="contain" data-background-opacity="0.6" -->
  38. -V-
  39. #### Baby Elephant Syndrome <!-- .element: class="text-over-image" -->
  40. <!-- .slide: data-background="slides/baby_elephant.jpg" data-background-opacity="0.8" data-background-size="contain" -->
  41. -V-
  42. <!-- .slide: data-background="slides/baby_elephant.jpg" data-background-opacity="0.3" data-background-size="contain" -->
  43. Young elephant gets tied to a tree by a thin rope which it can't break.
  44. As an adult, it is constrained by the same thin rope and it doesn't break free.<!-- .element: class="fragment" -->
  45. Because it learned it is no use to even try.<!-- .element: class="fragment" -->
  46. -V-
  47. <!-- .slide: data-background="slides/baby_elephant.jpg" data-background-opacity="0.1" data-background-size="contain" -->
  48. #### Learned helplessness<!-- .element: class="text-over-image" -->
  49. [Martin Seligman] <!-- .element: class="reference-author" -->
  50. ---
  51. #### Hamster Procrastination Cycle
  52. <!-- .slide: data-background="slides/hamster_in_box.jpg" data-background-size="contain" data-background-opacity="0.1" data-transition="slide-in fade-out" -->
  53. 1. Do nothing<!-- .element: class="fragment " -->
  54. 2. Have regrets<!-- .element: class="fragment " -->
  55. 3. Doubt yourself<!-- .element: class="fragment " -->
  56. 4. Feel helpless<!-- .element: class="fragment " -->
  57. 5. GOTO 1<!-- .element: class="fragment " -->
  58. -V-
  59. <!-- .slide: data-background-color="#030" data-background="slides/hamster_in_box.jpg" data-background-size="contain" data-background-opacity="0.06" data-transition="slide-out fade-in" -->
  60. #### Sounds familiar!
  61. 1. Do nothing
  62. 2. Have regrets
  63. 3. Doubt yourself
  64. 4. Feel helpless
  65. 5. GOTO 1
  66. ---
  67. #### Positive Cycle of Flow
  68. <!-- .slide: data-background-image="slides/flow_cycle.jpg" data-background-size="contain" data-background-opacity="0.1" data-transition="slide-in fade-out" -->
  69. 1. Do meaningful actions<!-- .element: class="fragment " -->
  70. 2. Feel good<!-- .element: class="fragment " -->
  71. 3. Growing skills<!-- .element: class="fragment " -->
  72. 4. Believe in yourself<!-- .element: class="fragment " -->
  73. 5. GOTO 1<!-- .element: class="fragment " -->
  74. -V-
  75. <!-- .slide: data-background-color="#030" data-background="slides/flow_cycle.jpg" data-background-size="contain" data-background-opacity="0.06" data-transition="slide-out fade-in" -->
  76. My morning routine of flow
  77. definitely helped!
  78. ---
  79. #### How to break out?
  80. ---
  81. <!-- .slide: data-transition="slide-in fade-out" -->
  82. ### Time Perspectives
  83. - positive past
  84. - negative past
  85. - present
  86. - future
  87. [Philip Zimbardo] <!-- .element: class="reference-author" -->
  88. -V-
  89. <!-- .slide: data-transition="fade" -->
  90. #### Focusing on
  91. - ~~positive past~~
  92. - **negative past**
  93. - **present**
  94. - ~~future~~
  95. #### results in a hamster, depressions. <!-- .element: class="fragment " -->
  96. -V-
  97. <!-- .slide: data-transition="fade-in slide-out" -->
  98. #### Refocusing on
  99. - **positive past** <!-- .element: class="fragment highlight-blue" data-fragment-index="2" -->
  100. - ~~negative past~~ <!-- .element: class="fragment semi-fade-out" data-fragment-index="2" -->
  101. - ~~present~~
  102. - **future** <!-- .element: class="fragment highlight-blue" data-fragment-index="1" -->
  103. #### breaks out of the hamster. <!-- .element: class="fragment " -->
  104. ---
  105. #### How to orient yourself towards the future?
  106. Personal Vision <!-- .element: class="fragment fade-right" -->
  107. ---
  108. #### How to perceive your past positively?
  109. Choice of attitude <!-- .element: class="fragment fade-left" -->
  110. -V-
  111. We are free to choose our reaction to events.
  112. [Viktor Frankl] <!-- .element: class="reference-author" -->
  113. ---
  114. <!-- .slide: data-background="slides/choice_of_attitude.jpg" data-background-size="contain" data-background-opacity="0.3" -->
  115. <!-- .slide: data-background-color="#542" -->
  116. ### TOOL: Choice of attitude <!-- .element: class="text-over-image" -->
  117. <small>(originally named *Inner-game*; not related to Timothy Gallwey's work)</small>
  118. -V-
  119. <!-- .slide: data-background="slides/choice_of_attitude.jpg" data-background-size="contain" data-background-opacity="0.1" -->
  120. <!-- .slide: data-background-color="#542" -->
  121. Interpreting seemingly *negative events*
  122. as **neutral** or even **positive**.
  123. -V-
  124. <!-- .slide: data-background-color="#542" -->
  125. Event → 😟/😐/😀
  126. <div class="flex-container">
  127. <div style="width: 50%" class="fragment">
  128. #### Default:
  129. Failure → 😟
  130. </div>
  131. <div style="width: 50%" class="fragment">
  132. #### Choice:
  133. Failure → 😐/😀
  134. </div>
  135. </div>
  136. Micro-habit that can be trained. <!-- .element: class="fragment " -->
  137. -V-
  138. <!-- .slide: data-background-color="#030" -->
  139. ### My switched attitudes
  140. 1. Burying past failures <!-- .element: class="fragment " -->
  141. - 😱 "I caused a car crash!" <!-- .element: class="fragment " -->
  142. - 😌 "No one got hurt, I learned from it and now I have an awesome story to tell!" <!-- .element: class="fragment " -->
  143. 2. Handling rejections <!-- .element: class="fragment " -->
  144. - 🤬 "They refused my merge request!" <!-- .element: class="fragment " -->
  145. - 🙂 "I got feedback, I can improve it and make it even better for next time." <!-- .element: class="fragment " -->
  146. ---
  147. <!-- .slide: data-background="slides/three_good_things.jpg" data-background-size="contain" data-background-opacity="0.4" -->
  148. <!-- .slide: data-background-color="#542" -->
  149. ### TOOL: Three Good Things <!-- .element: class="text-over-image" -->
  150. [Martin Seligman] <!-- .element: class="reference-author" -->
  151. (Learned Optimism)
  152. -V-
  153. <!-- .slide: data-background="slides/three_good_things.jpg" data-background-size="contain" data-background-opacity="0.1" -->
  154. <!-- .slide: data-background-color="#542" -->
  155. At the end of every day,
  156. think about 3 things
  157. that went well for you.
  158. -V-
  159. <!-- .slide: data-background="slides/three_good_things.jpg" data-background-size="contain" data-background-opacity="0.1" -->
  160. <!-- .slide: data-background-color="#542" -->
  161. #### Why?
  162. Increases positive emotions, hope and optimism.
  163. Strengthens your focus on positive past.
  164. -V-
  165. <!-- .slide: data-background-color="#030" -->
  166. ### My routine?
  167. Done daily during dinner as a family.
  168. Today, I liked that...<!-- .element: class="fragment " -->
  169. 1. I had a nice chat with my coworker<!-- .element: class="fragment " -->
  170. 2. I resolved one bug<!-- .element: class="fragment " -->
  171. 3. I finally gave my talk on procrastination!<!-- .element: class="fragment " -->